A study says that men in the UK or gaping open-mouthed when it comes to sex solicitation. As many as two out of three people say that the male couples often tell if he was tired and did not want to have sex.

Nearly 47 percent of men say that he was 'not in the mood' when it comes to sex solicitation . , and one in five women wearing the classic excuse that he was a headache and could not stop crying when it comes from men having sex solicitation.

Another reason is that many couples put off having sex because I was busy taking care of animals peliharannya, too busy watching the television show, and are fun to play games online.

In a survey conducted by the respondents for website, online chemist blame cuacalah causing a low libido.

However, paramedics who are also doing the same thing on the website is believed that erectile dysfunction can affect it all.

As reported thesun, Thursday (01/31/2013) that there are a quarter of men who took part in the study, said that he was having sex about these issues.

A total of 7 percent of men worrying that he never again get an erection.

However, for women, only 16 percent realized that her partner has been exposed to some of the problems that make it reluctant to have sex.

The study, released this week in the UK's first television broadcast service to advertise a promotion erectile dysfunction and highlight the many men under pressure when dealing directly with matters of the bed.

One fifth (17 per cent) of the men said he sometimes thought not being able to get an erection immediately after the start of sexual activity and it indicates a serious problem.

Doctor Tom Brett of said, "Erectile dysfunction can affect anyone at some point in his life. However, does not mean to end the activities of intimacy".

"Even though it's taboo among men, people realize that it is very common than he brought in a different situation."

"Erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of a more serious health issue underlying undiagnosed, such as diabetes or heart disease, so it's worth getting the examination . " he said.
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